Saturday, April 30, 2011

Blog Assignment 5A:

I was drawn to this image because of its use of contrast and affinity. At first glance you feel a strong sense of affinity between the two children as the both have on a similar shirt and look similar as well. But then once you look at the one child’s face and see the (what I thought was) blood, it creates a contrast between them. I also thought the affinity was brought out because of the lines on the shirts of the children. The both flow the same direction which creates a continued pathway of visual movement for the eyes. Because of the background being very close to the children as well as the picture being in black and white, it creates a very flat depth. I chose to reframe the image the way I did because I thought it took away the contrast and affinity and gave the image a new meaning. Because you don’t see the other child there and you have nothing to compare it to, this child seems like it could be in much more danger and gives the picture a much more serious tone. By framing the picture just on the bloody child, it creates a much more subjective approach to what may be happening. I think the artist chose to frame the image the way she did because of the contrast and affinity it gives it. At first glance everything seems to be very similar and peaceful until you notice the blood on the child. This creates a small bit of contrast and I feel it gives the photo a slightly more mysterious feel. I also feel like by showing the children’s hands together it gives a more peaceful feel and shows that whatever has happened to the bloody child is not too serious.

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